Programming Languages Suite
Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0
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This file contains additions and corrections to the Resource
Workshop User's Guide.
The Resource Workshop online documentation also includes these
BWCCAPI.RW Describes technical aspects of Borland Windows
Custom Controls.
CUSTCNTL.RW Describes creating Windows custom controls classes,
with C and Pascal programming examples.
BWCCSTYL.RW Describes general style guidelines for creating
resources using BWCC.
1 Changes to the Resource Workshop User's Guide
The following sections describe corrections to the Resource
Workshop User's Guide or changes to existing functionality.
1.1 Chapter 8, Using the Paint editor
p. 186 If you hold down the Shift key when you use the Paint
Can, you replace all instances of the color you click on,
contiguous or not. For example, if you select red from the Colors
palette and Shift-click with the Paint Can on a blue pixel in
your bitmapped resource, all blue pixels in the image are changed
to red.
1.2 Chapter 12, Fonts
p. 254 Windows 3.1 includes a third type of font: TrueType
fonts, which are an enhanced form of vector font. They are
described in your Windows documentation.
p. 269-270 The description of "Creating an .FON file with
Borland Pascal" will work with Windows 3.0, but not Windows 3.1.
To create a Windows 3.1-compatible .FON file with Borland Pascal,
follow the Turbo Assembler and TLINK instructions in the previous
section, "Creating an .FON file with C++" (page 267-269).
1.3 Appendix A, Technical Notes
p. 283 The sections on the #undef preprocessor directive and
token pasting in preprocessor statements apply only to the C
programming language. They do not apply to Resource Workshop and
Borland Pascal.
p. 288-292 The syntax descriptions and examples for the
command-line tools (RLINK, BRCC, and BRC) use the notation
"<filename>" to indicate where you must supply a file name. The
file names need not be the same. For example, when using RLINK,
you can specify a .RES input file and an .EXE ouput file with
different names, as below:
rlink my_res.res my_exe.exe
In some cases, using the same file name will return an error. In
the following example:
rlink -fihello.res hello.res hello.exe
you're linking the same file twice.
Note also that, for RLINK, the .RES file name is optional.
p. 291 If you're using Borland command-line tools only, the -30
and -31 switches are not invalid when the -r switch is specified.
The incompatibility arises only when you use the Microsoft 3.1
Resource Compiler, which can't produce 3.0-compatible .RES files.
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